Man by Simonida

Man By Simonida written by M. Kalezic

Or, how artist Simonida Perica, with her exhibition in the Lorelei Gallery in the heart of Bruxelles, has gained the attention of the audience and critics, introducing herself as a "young and original talent!"

Looking at the pictures and drawings of Simonida, we look back on Andre Marleau:" For 50 years science has questioned many known facts, but which of them should be more thoroughly reexamined than the knowledge of man."

From the very beginning of her work Simonida expresses the need to reexam, analyze, fallow the various phases of man's dramatical reformation. She will say however, that she paints all her life, presenting to us work created in her different phases. This evaluation somewhat favors the opinion that Simonida's present age can nopt be determined by the way she works and how she creates.

What else should be known about 26 years old artist from Belgrade?

She graduated two years ago from University of Applied Arts, as a pupil of Rajko Nikolic, monumental art, frescos and mosaics. From there, most probably comes love for monumental visions, as already noticed by Belgian Art Critic Stephane Ray: "Pictures which she brought along with her from Belgrade are in general of great size. They are figurative, full of spasms, powerful and marked by baroqueism, romanticism and symbolism. They arose to the mind of William Blake, Genesis, and the turbulent decent in to hell. Simonida likes unusual poses, poses with challenge, which emphasize sprained limbs, background of bones, frightening mutations. That kind of ART, which with hidden lust caresses the monstrous and complicated, has its value."

We are going trough catalogue of her first exhibition, the one in Bruxelles. We are writhing down some of the names of her cycles : "Transformations", "Artificial Man", "Intuition"…Let us mention some of her works from the already mentioned cycles: "Man - Grasshopper", Man - Dolphin"….Simonida is very interested in the relationship of good and evil, the everlasting theme. In the cycle "Intuition", according to Goethe's motto: "Discovery is developed from the man's soul", we discover titles such as: "Janus", "Michael and Satan"….

Man will continue to be in the focus of Simonida's reflections, she has personally made us believe so. Either through the analysis of this complex and contradictory inner being, or through his relationship with the outside world - environment!

Impressions from the first exhibition in Bruxelles have not yet dried up. Simonida is especially pleased by the opinions that in what she is doing one cannot feel the women. On the contrary, everyone has impression that the strong male hand created that. Naturally, she will strive to strengthen and better even more, the frightening powerful expression of man, pointing out the drama and uncertainty of his existence.

In the prologue of the catalogue Oto Bihalji Merin has written: "She arrives with youthful determination: Simonida. She is not a pilgrim of the atomic Gods. With Her pictures she speaks for the opposite development of the spices. Biological and esthetic mutations turned backwards. Directed and brought up towards returning to pre-nature"……

One thing is certain: Simonida is coming!. One should be very careful about this evocation of the Mystery of the creation of man and towards the mutations which arise from it", we were worked by the already mentioned art critic Ray.


Simonida written by Oto Bihalji Merin